What I Love About the UA: “The Sun and Lifestyle”

Feb. 11, 2019


Dalal Radwan has enjoyed every moment of her time spent at the UA but she knows her skills are needed around the world. Read on to see how she will take what she has learned here and apply it to her future career!

What is your favorite thing about Tucson?

The sun. I love waking up every morning and being able to look and see that it’s sunny outside—it just keeps you active and going. Almost motivated in a way.

What is your favorite place to hang out on campus?

I spend a lot of time at my department’s grad lounge. I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite spot though. I keep saying I want to go hang around that pond where the turtles are on Park Ave. That was one of the first spots I really liked on campus. I went there last year, and I keep saying I want to go back. It’s a different thing—you wouldn’t expect to see that on campus in Tucson.

What has surprised you most about being here?

The fact that you’re as busy as you can be and still get things done and finished. People are surprisingly busy in crazy ways. I think it has a lot to do with the way the UA works. There is work, there is fun, there is entertainment, and it’s all happening at the same time, so you don’t really have to leave things on the side to work on other things. You just do it all at once. It’s the spirit of the Wildcats. You guys really do “bear down” and I really live that motto now.

Where do you see yourself after graduating from the UA?

I see myself becoming a foreign correspondent. Working, if not in the U.S., somewhere in Europe with a foreign news agency. That’s what I am focusing on with my studies now. It’s the joy of being able to travel and do different things with different people that excites me about the job. To have the opportunity where I can work with one of the well-known news agencies and be able to contribute and make a difference is my goal.

How has your time here at the UA impacted your life?

This has been a life changing experience. When I look back I was miserable just working all the time and now I’m making a difference to my life and changing things by being here in Tucson. I’m getting to do almost everything that I want. Everything is available around here—I can study, go out, hike, go shopping, go to concerts, hang out with friends. I think my time here has just allowed me to focus on myself more and be someone who is really happy with where I’m at. Before it was just about work, about family, but here it’s about me focusing on myself and developing as a woman and growing up.