Social Mixer with the Desert Doves (in-person)


The Desert Doves is a nonprofit membership organization for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) in southern Arizona. Their mission is to continue to work for world peace, understanding, and well-being, with an emphasis on bringing the world back home. They offer community service events, social networking, and financial support to community development efforts abroad and across Southern Arizona. Since 2011, the Desert Doves have engaged over 300 local RPCVs and donated more than $42,000 to community projects.

Every other month the Desert Doves organizes a social event for members to connect. To help us celebrate Peace Corps Week, the Desert Doves is opening this event to non-members and those interested in serving in Peace Corps. This will be a great opportunity to meet and network with a variety of RPCVs in our community, many of whom are doing amazing work with nonprofits, governmental organizations, and other community organizations. 


4 to 6 p.m., Feb. 25, 2023
