Global Funding Opportunities Await

Feb. 16, 2018


Interested in taking your teaching or research interests beyond Tucson? There are several internationally-focused funding opportunities with upcoming deadlines or open cycles.

CONAHEC Short-Term Faculty Exchange Program

Deadline: March 2, 2018

The Office of Global Initiatives is offering up to five $1,000 scholarships for UA Faculty Members to participate in the CONAHEC Short-term Faculty Exchange Program. The purpose of this program is to create international groups of two faculty members (one from the UA and one from a CONAHEC member institution, primarily in Mexico) who collaborate in the partial design and teaching of a course. The scholarship offered by the Office of Global Initiatives is expected to cover about 50% of expenses, while the other 50% is expected to be covered by the professor’s academic department. Two application forms are required (see below). Visit the CONAHEC website for full details or contact Program Manager Gabriela Valdez at

Apply to CONAHEC Short-term Faculty Exchange Program

Apply to $1,000.00 UA Faculty Member Scholarship

Selected participants will be notified by the end of May, 2018.

International Research & Academic Program Development (IRPD) Grants

Deadline: March 15, 2018

Submissions are now open for 2018-2019 IRPD Grants, co-funded by Research, Discovery & Innovation (RDI) and OGI. They contain three tracks 1) International Research Initiative, 2) International Academic Program Development, and 3) International Research and Scholar Colloquium. PI teams must collaborate with colleagues from international partner institutions. Visit the University of Arizona Research Gateway to learn more.

Visiting Scholar Grants

Rolling Deadline

The Office of Global Initiatives Visiting Scholar Grant (VSG) provides funding to assist departments in bringing distinguished international scholars to The University of Arizona. The funds are used for domestic portions of airfare (between the U.S. port of entry and Tucson). The Office of Global Initiatives has made $5,000 available for this fiscal year to directly fund the VSG. The maximum amount is $400 per award. Visit the Office of Global Initiatives website for more information.

Core U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program AY 2019-20

Catalog Opens: March 1, 2018
Deadline: August 1, 2018

The U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination awards in more than 125 countries. Opportunities span two to 12 months and are available for faculty and administrators.

In order to meet the changing needs of academia and better accommodate the interests and commitments of today’s scholars, the program includes several innovative program options such as: Fulbright Flex Awards, Fulbright Postdoctoral/Early Career Awards, Global Scholar Awards, and Teaching English as a Foreign Language Awards. U.S. citizenship is required. To register your interest in the Fulbright Program, join the My Fulbright Online Community for updates and to access helpful application resources.

Fulbright Specialist Program

Rolling Deadline

The Fulbright Specialist Program pairs highly qualified U.S. academics and professionals with host institutions abroad to share their expertise, strengthen institutional linkages, and learn about other cultures. Specialists, who represent a wide range of professional and academic disciplines, are competitively selected to join the Fulbright Specialist Roster based on their knowledge, skill sets, and ability to make a significant contribution to projects overseas. Those approved for the roster are eligible to be matched with projects designed by foreign host institutions from more than 150 countries.

Fulbright Week at the University of Arizona

March 19-March 23, 2018

OGI, the Honors College, and the Graduate College are once again uniting for Fulbright Week. Expect information sessions and social events promoting U.S. Fulbright opportunities to UA students, faculty, and staff. Hear from previous Fulbright recipients and attend individual advising sessions. Please see the on-line calendar for details and more information on how to sign up for these sessions. We look forward to celebrating the Fulbright Program with you!