Address Reporting

You must report your U.S. address within 10 days of arriving to the U.S. so we can register your I-20 record in SEVIS.  You can report a temporary address when you first arrive if you do not yet know where you will live.

After entering the U.S., you can give us your address when you complete the Check-In e-form.

Submit the Change of Address e-form if you move after completing your check-in. You must report the new address within 10 days of moving. After approving your e-form, we will report the new address in your I-20 record in SEVIS, and the system will update your "Local U.S. Address" in UAccess. Normal processing time is 5 business days.

To change other addresses on file with the university (for refunds, billing, mailing, diploma) update your personal information in UAccess